Structured Products
Everbright Securities International ("EBSI") provides you with a wide range of structured products to help you achieve your financial goals.
Structured products are different from traditional investment products. The features of structured products are complicated, and their risks and price volatility are often higher than that of traditional investment products. Under favorable or other market conditions, related structured products might offer investors an opportunity to gain a higher return compared with traditional investment products. Everbright Securities International ("EBSI") provides you with a wide range of structured products to help you achieve your financial goals.
We provide different types of structured products for you to achieve different investment targets, e.g. equity-linked notes, equity-linked investments, accumulators and decumulators, minimum redemption notes, fund-linked notes and dual currency notes, etc. with different underlying assets, including US stocks, HK stocks, A shares and world indices.
We can offer up to 80% margin of the total contract size (in nominal value) for some structured products, such as equity-linked investments.
We cooperate with more than 16 financial institutions to provide you with a wide selection of structured products.
Investments involve risk. Please click here for the Risk Disclosure Statements.
Structured products are composed of different types of financial instruments. Their investment returns are linked to the performances of their underlying assets such as a single security, a basket of securities, options, indices, commodities, debt issuances, foreign currencies or properties etc. Structured products can be in plain vanilla or hybrid form, with a payoff referenced to a combination of any asset classes to fit investor’s investment objectives and risk profile.
Bull Equity-linked Notes
If on the expiry date the closing price of the underlying security is AT or ABOVE the strike price, investors will receive a cash payment at the total par value of the ELN (total investment plus interest). If on the expiry date the closing price of the underlying security is BELOW the strike price, investors will receive a predetermined quantity of the underlying security at the strike price. If the ELN is cash settled in lieu of share delivery, investors will receive a cash payment based on the closing price of the underlying security.
Equity Linked Investment with Minimum Redemption Level and Potential Bonus Enhancement
On the expiry date, if the closing price of the underlying security is AT or ABOVE the coupon barrier price, investors will receive the floor coupon rate or performance coupon rate equal to the upside of the underlying stock (whichever is the higher). Investors can specify the Minimum Redemption Rate (85%-100% of the principal mount in general). If the closing price of the underlying security is BELOW the strike price on the expiry date, investors will receive a cash payment protected by the minimum redemption rate.
Bearish Fixed Coupon Equity Linked Notes
Suitable for investors who hold a negative view on the underlying security. If on the expiry date, the closing price of the underlying security is AT or BELOW the strike price, investors will receive the principal plus coupon of the note. If on the expiry date the closing price of the underlying security is ABOVE the strike price, investors will receive a cash payment based on the closing price of the underlying security.
An Accumulator contract contains two basic features “Knock out price” and “Strike Price”. Once the contract takes effect, the investors holds an obligation to buy the shares at the strike price. When the stock price reaches the knock out price, the contract will be terminated immediately. The investors cannot buy the shares at a discount price.
A Decumulator contract contains two basic features “Knock out price” and “Strike Price”. Once the contract takes effect, the investors holds an obligation to sell the shares at the strike price. When the stock price reaches the knock out price, the contract will be terminated immediately. The investors cannot sell the shares at a premium price.
Dual Currency Link Notes
Dual Currency Notes consist of base currency and linked currency. At maturity, investors will receive the principle and interest either in base or linked currency depends on the market exchange rate and the predetermined conversion rate of the Notes.
Fund Linked Notes
Investors can participate in the potential upside of the underlying fund with a minimum redemption level. Clients can specify the minimum redemption rate (97%-100% of the principal amount in general).
Minimum Redemption Notes
Investors can participate in the potential upside of the underlying stock with a minimum redemption level. Clients can specify the Minimum Redemption Rate (85%-95% of the principal mount in general).
Investments involve risk. Please click here for the Risk Disclosure Statements.